An overview of the Solar System (described as the scale size of the planet, while the distance is not): The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.
Solar System [a] is a collection of celestial bodies composed of a star called the Sun and all the objects bound by gravity. The objects include eight planets known to orbit elliptical, five dwarf planets / dwarf, 173 natural satellites have been identified [b], and the millions of heavenly bodies (meteors, asteroids, comets) others.
Solar System is divided into the Sun, the inner four planets, the asteroid belt, four outer planets, and in the outer portion is the Kuiper belt and scattered disc. Oort cloud is estimated to lie in the farthest regions within about a thousand times beyond the outermost part.
Based on the distance from the Sun, the eight planets of the Solar System is Mercury (57.9 million km), Venus (108 million km), Earth (150 million km), Mars (228 million km), Jupiter (779 million km), Saturn (1430 million km), Uranus (2880 million km), and Neptune (4,500 million km). Since mid-2008, there are five celestial objects classified as dwarf planets. Orbit dwarf planets except Ceres, was farther than Neptune. It is the fifth dwarf planet Ceres (415 million km. In the asteroid belt; formerly classified as the fifth planet), Pluto (5906 million km.; Formerly classified as the ninth planet), Haumea (6450 million km), Makemake (6850 million km), and Eris (10 100 million km).
Six of the eight planets and three of the five dwarf planets surrounded by natural satellites. Each planet outer planet is surrounded by a ring consisting of dust and other particles.
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